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- program CrtDemo;
- {$I "INCLUDE:Utils/Crt.i"}
- var
- x, y : integer;
- tc, tb : byte;
- procedure DrawShellGfx;
- var
- i, mx, my : integer;
- key : char;
- begin
- mx := x/2+1;
- my := y/2;
- { Die Diagonalen: }
- TextBackground(2);
- TextLine(2, 2, x-1, y-1, ' ');
- TextBackground(4);
- TextLine(x-1, 2, 2, y-1, ' ');
- { Die Informationen: }
- TextMode(TS_BOLD, 5, 7);
- GotoXY(x-12, my); Write("Spalten: ", x:2);
- GotoXY(x-12, my+1); Write("Zeilen : ", y:2);
- { Die Nummerierungsspalte: }
- TextMode(TS_ITALIC, 0, 3);
- GotoXY(1, 1); Write(1:2);
- for i := 3 to y-2 do begin
- GotoXY(1, i); Write(i:2);
- end;
- GotoXY(1, y); Write(y:2);
- { Der Untergrund für das Dreieck: }
- TextMode(TS_PLAIN, 1, 0);
- TextRectFill(mx-9, my/8, 19, my/4, ' ');
- { Das Dreieck: }
- TextMode(TS_PLAIN, 4, 3);
- TextLine(mx-8, 2, mx+8, 2, '·');
- TextLine(mx-8, 2, mx, my-1, '·');
- TextLine(mx+8, 2, mx, my-1, '·');
- { Warten auf die Benutzereingabe: }
- TextMode(TS_BOLD, 2, 3);
- GotoY(my+my*2/3+1);
- CenterText("Press <RETURN>");
- key := ReadKey;
- end;
- begin
- x := MaxX;
- y := MaxY;
- if (x >= 32) and (y >= 8) then begin
- ClrScr;
- CursorOff;
- tc := GetTextColor;
- tb := GetTextBackground;
- DrawShellGfx;
- TextColor(tc);
- TextBackground(tb);
- ClrScr;
- CursorOn;
- end else WriteLn('Bitte das Fenster vergrößern!');
- end.